1981 – The Incipient Canton of Rimsholt is created
1983 – 1st Baronial Border War (orginally organized by the Valley of Three Walls)
1986 – 1st Winter Revel at Palmer Lodge
1987 – The Incipient Canton of Rimsholt and Valley of Three Walls form into one group
1989 – The Canton of Rimsholt becomes full status
1991 – Rimsholt hosts the Pentemere Althing
1992 – 1st “What in the Samhain” held at the Lowell Fair Grounds
1993 – The Proto-Incipient Canton of Dun Traigh forms in the west region of Rimsholt along Lake Michigan shoreline
1996 – Rimsholt members, Benedict of Beverly and Emma de Winter become Baron and Baroness of Andelcrag
1998 – Reforming of the Canton of the Valley of Three Walls in Ionia County
1999 – The Incipient Canton of Blackthorn Ridge forms in the northern region of Rimsholt (Newaygo County)
2000 – Rimsholt members, Thorfinn Grimkelsson and Brighid ni Caernaigh become Baron and Baroness of Andelcrag
2003 – Start of Proto-Incipient Canton of Northgate (name eventually changed to Nordheim) started in region that would have been the Incipient Canton of Blackthorn Ridge
2005 – Rimsholt members, Garth of the Crags and Kassia Gildea become Baron and Baroness of Andelcrag
2006/07 – 1st 12th Fight
2011 – 1st All Fun and Games
2014 – Rimsholt members, Antonia Lavinia Maria di Toscano and Collette de Valois become Baronesses of Andelcrag (first pair of female territorial baronesses in the Society)